Strategic Advising

Strengthen Your Business Partnership So You Make More Money, Have More Time to Do What You Want, And Have More Freedom!

  • Do you and your business partners not TRUST each other to get things done?
  • Is your business missing a clear process in place to establish which owner is RESPONSIBLE for what?
  • Do partners complain about problems without offering SOLUTIONS?
  • When you have a conflict with your partners and you can’t resolve it, does it sit and AGGRAVATE you?
  • Do you and your co-owners fail to COMMUNICATE?
  • Do you and your partners get paid the same but have different and UNEQUAL skills, and the partners with more skills end up doing all the WORK?

If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, and are serious about strengthening your business partnership so you can skyrocket your business, then there’s no better time than the present to make it happen.

When you enroll in the Strengthening Business Partnerships program, you will walk away with an in-depth, written diagnosis of areas of your business in need of strengthening, a written ownership agreement that addresses all the issues identified in the diagnosis, and a written strategic plan for moving forward so your business takes off, runs like a well-oiled machine, and is teed up for a seamless turnover to the next generation or a well-timed sale.

One of my clients, Mark, came to me because his business partners weren’t pulling their weight but were getting paid the same.  As a result of the program, Mark’s partners recognized that he frequently did the heavy lifting and agreed to give Mark a larger share of the profits while they all maintained equal voting rights.

Michelle, another client, enrolled in the program because there was a lack of trust and communication between the partners that was interfering with conducting business and making the future of the company uncertain. This caused some of the partners to sell part of the business without unanimous consent as required by the ownership agreement, putting the ownership of the company in disarray.  After going through the program, we greatly improved trust and communication so that the owners were able to focus on the financial success and future of the business.  We resolved the ownership issue by waiving the lack of consent defect and formalizing the entry of the new owners.  We also got the owners to acknowledge the importance of corporate formalities and following the ownership agreement; got them to agree to have quarterly dinner meetings to foster comradery, communication and trust; and implemented a cost-effective, multi-tiered mechanism for dispute resolution and deadlocks.

Another client, Frank, enrolled in the program because although there were currently no issues between him and his family business partners, he knew that the informal nature of the business and owner relationships would eventually lead to situations that they were not prepared to deal with.  After investing in the program, the owners had an ownership agreement that addressed key issues like voting, dispute resolution and sale of ownership interests.  We also identified key areas in need of strengthening such as one of the owners holding a majority interest, a distant and unsupervised branch and the absence of a Board.  This allowed the owners to put a solid foundation in place that gave them the tools and confidence to move forward with building the business and passing it on to the next generation.

These business owners are no different from you.  They all had a desire to be more successful and take their business to the next level.  The program is all about strengthening your business partnership so you can make more money, have more time to do what you want, and have more freedom.

To find out more about the Strengthening Business Partnerships program, and to get your free consultation, click on the button below to schedule a call with me.